Wednesday, August 24, 2016

It Is Not I

It is not but God, the Spirit
                                              bellowing through
    pushing,                                      tossing,


Un relentless.

Gentle as a whisper on a child's cheek

Awesome as a windmill drawing water from the

Lifting.                      sailing

Carried toward a new and glorious place and
                                       I must bow to His call..
even for a time.

A sacred spear of life in total turmoil with itself...
         needs a carver to chisel down the layers
                                                   of grief and misunderstandings.

         Can I be the chisel or am I that which is to be

Crack me open.......
          Help me  to find the perfect  peace that comes from
                                                                                            Knowing God.

Fill me with passion and presence
              so I overflow with
                                           a need to embrace the Spirit.

                                                       and spill that embrace into the world.

Three Angels stand at the door...
     Hope in a place that is hopeless.
           Hunger in a world that is filled.
                 Love that joins hands
                                                   across the borders.
I embrace....I become..
                               .I am the tear on God's dear cheek.

I have no choice but to listen....
                                                   .I am because God is.

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