Thursday, August 25, 2016
Naked and vulnerable.
They plead, first softly, than a scream.
To be admitted and to admit.
Born into a world
that told me who to be.
Born into a world
that kept me locked inside.
I always felt the shadow,
the warm breath on my neck
invisible but ever present, ever near.
But still I kept him hidden,
in the billows of my heart.
So easy to hide.............that other self.
Just close my eyes and be what they expect. I know each moment hidden in the fog.
will hide the beauty that's within.
two faces escapes into the night.
Come out true self, come out and join the journey.
Believe that those who meet you first,
will bring you home to stay,
I love you dear self,
I love you and I will protect.
Standing in the middle of the Forest,
Feet firmly planted on the crisp and
crunchy pathway that leads home.
The last leaf is layered like a carpet beneath
the tall oak tree.
Bowing to it's majesty and grandeur.
Remembering lush green days of springtime,
limbs flit and fluttering in the early winter breeze.
Remembering the tapestry of color
weaving its heart through the landscape.
So rich in hue that only God's
palette could hold
the rich and
regal spectrum we call Fall.
I look up, up up up to the one lone
leaf hanging on,
not quite ready to
give into the winter winds.
With arms stretched up to heaven,
the tall oak trees point to God
pointing back to them.
Listen! Listen!
In the silence of the forest I hear
God's symphony
the song of nature.
I hear the thump thump thump
of a loving heart .
Feeling the presence of God.
The presents of God,
wrapped in brightly colored
ribbons ....
Ready to be unwrapped.
The hymn is clear and simple,
God is in this moment and
this moment is in God.
A walk into the woods is a walk
into God's sanctuary.
The sanctuary that God calls home.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
It Is Not I
Un relentless.
Gentle as a whisper on a child's cheek
Awesome as a windmill drawing water from the
Lifting. sailing
Carried toward a new and glorious place and
A sacred spear of life in total turmoil with itself...
.I am the tear on God's dear cheek.
.I am because God is.