Friday, August 11, 2017

For Ken

In life, aged and full
                 friendship is privileged and scarce. 
If real and true it will be lasting,
         beyond the grave,
               beyond the soft simmering sunsets,
the heart holds it like a treasure
                            more valuable than gold.

Heaven gives us hope of reunion,
                But  Friendship doesn't need reunion,
Friendship never leaves the heart or soul,
                               never passes to the grave but
stays inside the memories and goodness
                      left on my brow like a piece of art
or architecture, brilliant in color and form
                               filling my soul with warmth.
I grieve.
My tears say good by,. 
But my sadness is mostly for me
              because the loss of your grin and smile
seems beyond the limits of my existence.

Dear friend, I celebrate your fresh
and honest love
                   shared and cultivated.
I could never let you go,
But as you move forward, free from pain,
I bid my love and friendship .
I walk taller
         and love stronger and smile wider
                                                 because you are.

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