Sunday, November 13, 2022


Thankful                                                           by Stephen J. Jeffries

A thankful tear lingers on my cheek,

                                                                          As I left the homeless shelter.

I have a home and shoes, and how can I know where they are standing,

    or lying or reaching.

Yet my heart aches and their eyes pierce like an arrow pointing, to my soul.

Brown heavy boxes piping with clean dry shoes.

They stand, waiting for their turn.

Their weary eyes say thank you.

Their tired loney feet stand still.

The shoes,I left there, won't take them home or give them work.

What am I doing? doing?  What can be done?

Hopeless and helpless, I will go home.

Home to my cozy comfy chair, viewing life in HD on a sixty five inch screen.

Home to my walk-in closet to decide...brown shoe, black shoe?

But I will return with more shoes and more hope because there will always be more feet.

And I know this for a moment

my feet could be those feet,

                                                            Thankful for new  shoes and the chance to walk tall again.

I'm left with a thankful tear stain on my cheek.

Grateful for Lisa and Chad and Pam and all those with careing hearts.

They build a place, not home, but warm and away from the street.

Away from the wondering and wandering.

The power and strength of knowing someone cares fills the moment.

Knowing gives hope. Hoping allows two feet to stand and reach...

Thank you Horizon House                                                Thank you Wheeler Mission        
                              Thank you Hope House.
Thank you   Changing Footprints!

Thank you for not giving up on caring and sharing for being God's hand and feet
                                                       and hug.