Sunday, September 30, 2018

For Kevin

Who is God?

No, really.......who is God?

I must have asked that question for

nearly 60 years.

Not out loud of course...

   after all I’m a Christian and being

a Christian .... that is, a good Christian,

means I have it all figured out, right?

But then came Kevin, he opened the

the door so wide, I could suddenly

be allowed, to Ask the Question.

Who is God?

And no, he didn’t have the answer.

He had hints to the puzzle.

But   when you ask the question,

He said .... Live it!  Live the question.

When I began "Living the Question!

a whole new world of understanding seemed to come clear.

At first... I was so scared.

Scared that the foundation...

That had been built piece by piece in

a little Baptist church in Rushville Indiana, would not take the questions. That the foundation for my faith was surly going to crumble.

If Jesus did this and God did that, or

didn't do that but maybe did this

how   can "I believe"

But learning from Kevin to ask the question and to realize I just may not find

the answer filled my life with peace.

Stone by stone, brick by brick, I took the tools that Kevin taught me and firmed

up faith’s foundation.

We studied Dr. Seuss and I  began to see my  faith in a different light.  We read

books on the Beatles and Mr. Rodgers and felt their struggles and

accomplishments with faith. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Sometimes Kevin would make us color or write or build with Playdough  and always we would leave

class with a better understanding of who God is.

We have  always been taught that the Bible is the inspired word of God. 

When Kevin taught I always

felt his words were coming from above.  I know God inspired him and he in turn

inspired others through education, through youth work, through all the people he

touched daily.

Yes, I still question. But knowing

I may not find the answers is ok.

Because of Kevin, I believe.

                                                                                                                 Stephen Jeffries

Sunday, January 7, 2018