Monday, July 13, 2015

Beautiful Written For Maedbh Duignan my good Irish Friend




Beautiful                                      Stephen J. Jeffries


Like a tiny seed,

gently pressed beneath the rich black earth,

we lie patiently waiting for the chance to touch the sunlight;

waiting to be the beautiful child of God's imagination.


Seeping silently into each pour and fibur of our  soul,

you touch us , gently at first,

like a father carresses his babies brow,

than tighter to reassure our worth and

force our bud to sprout into the sky,

reaching for our potiential

reaching above the relm of possibilities.


We are born into beauty .

But beauty ceases to exist without

the eye's reflection  proclaiming to our soul

 "you are beautiful"



The rules of beauty only help to

color and coat that reflection

causing us to soon forget  our worth,

soon blossoms fall and wither to the ground,

forgetting what it meant to be loved and to love.


Recall our everchanging beauty, proclaim it!

Declare it with word and deed ! So that we

may continue to sprout and blossom toward

the sacred sunlite and someday reach the heart of God.